I love you

Wanting this for so long, dreaming about the day, she got a call on her mobile phone. It was him: "Meet me for coffee, I want to see you". Trying not to show how secretly happy she was, she responded: "Let me put something on". (...) Just like the first time. She could feel his nerves from meters away as she hoped he could not feel hers. (...) A cup of coffee later and two cigarettes wasted, she felt brave enough to tell him: "All the other questions about us could have been left unanswered. They were not important for me to move on". (...) As she continued to explain more, the less he could look at her: "I just needed an answer to the only doubt I had. At the time, we both know you decided to lie. If you could go back, would you still have lied?". (...) She closed her eyes and looked down for a couple of seconds, exhausted from putting her heart out, leaving her feelings exposed. (...) He raised his head, looked right into her big brown eyes and gently gave her the answer she had been waiting for so long: "I love you".

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